Islamic Widget

Islamic Widget

Sabtu, 9 April 2011

Jangan Salahkan Aku

Memang Allah sengaja menemukan aku dengan orang yang salah supaya aku dapat jadi penilai yang baik. Memang Allah sengaja menemukan aku dengan orang yang salah supaya aku sedar bahawa aku hanyalah sekadar makhluk yang sentiasa mengharapkan pertolongan Allah. Memang Allah sengaja menemukan aku dengan orang yang salah supaya aku dapat kasih sayang yang terbaik untuk diri aku. Memang Allah sengaja menemukan aku dengan orang yang salah supaya aku sedar Allah Maha Pemurah dan Penyayang kerana memngingatkan aku bahawa dia bukanlah pilihan yang terbaik dan hebat untuk aku dan kehidupan aku pada masa hadapan. Memang Allah sengaja menemukan aku dengan orang yang salah supaya aku dapat mengutip pengalaman yang tak semua orang dapat mengalaminya. Memang Allah sengaja menemukan aku dengan orang salah supaya aku menjadi orang yang hebat jiwanya. Memang Allah sengaja menemukan aku dengan orang yang salah supaya aku sedar bahawa cinta yang terbaik ada bersamanya. Memang Allah sengaja menemukan aku dengan orang yang salah supaya aku lebih mengenali kehidupan yang tak selamanya kekal.
“Bila aku memandang segalanya daripada Allah, yang mencipta segalanya, yang menimpakan ujian, yang menjadikan sakit hatiku, yang membuatkan keinginanku terhalang serta menyusahkan hidupku, pasti akan damailah hatiku kerana masakan Allah sengaja mentakdirkan sesuatu untuk tujuan sia-sia, bukan Allah tidak tahu deritanya hidupku, retaknya hatiku, tapi mungkin itulah yang Dia mahu kerana Dia tahu hati yang sebeginilah yang selalunya lenih lunak dan mudah untuk dekat dan akrab denganNya...”

Rabu, 23 Mac 2011


Surah Al-Hujurat ayat 13:

"We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things). "

YA ALLAH Ya tuhanku yang maha pengasih, Cukuplah engkau sahaja yang menjadi pemeliharaku, Didunia dan diakhirat, Dengarlah rintihan dari hambamu yang daif ini, Janganlah engkau biarkan aku sendirian, Didunia ini mahupun diakhirat, Menjuruskan aku ke arah kemungkaran dan kemaksiatan, Maka kurniakanlah aku seorang pasangan yang beriman, Agar aku dan dia dapat bersama-sama membina, Kesejahteraan hidup kearah yang kau redhai. Dan kurniakanlah padaku keturunan yang soleh dan solehah.

YA ALLAH Berikanlah kami kebahagiaan, Didunia dan diakhirat, Dan peliharalah kami dari azab api neraka.

YA ALLAH Kau ketemukanlah aku dengan insan yang boleh Membimbingku, menyayangiku, menggembirakanku, dan ikhlas padaku, Jika diri ini masih daif, Kau berikanlah aku, Ketenangan untuk diri ini kembali padamu, Untuk menjadi lelaki/wanita yang soleh/solehah.

YA ALLAH Seandainya kau telah catatkan, Dia milikku, tercipta untukku, Dekatkanlah dia padaku, Satukanlah hatinya dengan hatiku, Titipkanlah kemesraan antara kami, Agar kebahagiaan itu abadi.

YA ALLAH Seiringkanlah kami dalam melayari hidup ini, Ketetapan yang sejahtera dan abadi, Maka jodohkanlah kami.

Tetapi YA ALLAH Seandainya engkau telah takdirkan, Dia bukan milikku, Bawalah dia jauh dari pandanganku, Luputkanlah dia dari ingatanku, Dan peliharalah aku dari kekecewaan.

YA ALLAH Ya Tuhanku yang Maha Mengerti, Berikanlah aku kekuatan, Menolak bayangannya jauh ke dada langit, Hilang bersama senja yang merah, Agarku sentiasa tenang, Walaupun tanpa bersama dengannya.

YA ALLAH yang Tercinta Pasrahkanlah aku dengan takdirMu, Sesungguhnya apa yang telah Engkau takdirkan, Adalah yang terbaik untukku, Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Mengetahui, Segala yang terbaik buat hambaMu ini.

YA ALLAH Yang MAha Mengetahui, Segala sesuatu dilangit dan dibumi, Engkaulah yang melimpahkan rezeki, Buat hambaMu ini, Engkau jualah yang mengatur hidupku dan matiku, Maka aku redha, Atas segala ketetapanMu, Sesungguhnya setiap yang berlaku ada hikmah disebaliknya...
وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ أَنْ خَلَقَ لَكُم مِّنْ أَنفُسِكُمْ أَزْوَاجًا لِّتَسْكُنُوا إِلَيْهَا وَجَعَلَ بَيْنَكُم مَّوَدَّةً وَرَحْمَةً إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِّقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ
"Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah Dia menciptakan untukmu isteri-isteri dari jenismu sendiri, supaya kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya, dan dijadikan-Nya di antaramu rasa kasih dan sayang. Sesungguhnya pada yangdemikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda bagi kaum yang berfikir."
وَأَنْكِحُوا الْأَيَامَى مِنْكُمْ وَالصَّالِحِينَ مِنْ عِبَادِكُمْ وَإِمَائِكُمْ إِنْ يَكُونُوا فُقَرَاءَ يُغْنِهِمُ اللَّهُ مِنْ فَضْلِهِ وَاللَّهُ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ
Marry those among you who are single, or the virtuous ones among yourselves, male or female: if they are in poverty, Allah will give them means out of His grace: for Allah encompasseth all, and he knoweth all things.

Selasa, 22 Mac 2011


Hubbi, y u think i'm hate u? i just said it but i'm not meaning it. i need u in my life, and i was told it with my father n my mother. they said, if u are serius, dont get me hurt and leave me when we get married cos here more problem like that. i know and i believe u not like them hubbi. if u can see my eyes now, its more hopefully u are my husband one day, its not dream but its do'a. in this world, how much mans i find to give their love to me, but u are most specially. if i find like u here, i leave u for the first week i meet u. but u are my perfect. my eyes only see u are my perfect. Hubbi, if in ur heart still have me, keep it carefully, cos i know we should strong...i love u even what happen to me and u, even anyone touch o disturb our love....cos my love for u is true. BELIEVE IT!!! i'm not lier...i'm not shit...i just a woman who love si-ahmed.

Selasa, 8 Mac 2011

Here I was alone
contemplate the quiet days
I'm without you
Still without you
When tomorrow comes again
I try to face all these
Even without you, without you even
When I got the glowing stars
The sun is quiet with me here
I stared to laugh cry
I stand in this place
I Hear Voices
What people say my idol
I am here waiting
still hoping in your heart
I Hear Voices
Is my heart always
I am here waiting
still hoping in your heart
If I'm still here
I skip all that happened
I'm waiting, I'm waiting...

Realize the behavior of your loved one
I'm really very excruciating
Though I give you what you want
But you do not understand me
Heart pain
With all the ways you
If you continue this way
Later I can go
I ask Love
Me in your life
And you do not rough
Hear sweethearts
I ask Undercover
We Do not fights again
Facing all the cold heart
Hear sweethearts

why did you go, why did you go
at the moment I started loving you
wish you were my lover
but you go away from my life
more alone, more alone
when you left me to go
never had a decorating my day
when I awoke from my sleep
I want you to come and meet me
I'll tell you I loved you
I want you to come and meet me
I'll tell you I really love
more alone, more alone
when you left me to go
never had a decorating my day
when I awoke from my sleep
I hope you understand this feeling right
sorry I was swept up to the beauty of love
so sorry I'm not able to return to you
sorry I was swept up to the beauty of love

Rabu, 2 Mac 2011

Dont Shy!!!

ào, am goin to tell you my story it happens to me when i finished with the university,
so, when i finished with the university and get my LIcence degree, me and all my friends start to look for a job, we wrote many letters of requesting a job, but me, i was too shy,, too shy than u imagin, but the other friends get a job so queckly!
after that, Hachmi forced me to put courage and he told me that "you are shy coz u r lack of sth, you need sth inside you" i was so amaizing and i asked him "what is it??"
you know what he answered??!!!!
he answer was the key for everything.he said

"what u need is the FACE TO FACE."
i will explain it to hubbi.
face to face is when u give the letter to the boss and u r only u and him inside his office.
so the words that u will use in this case not the same words that u use it with ur friends, no problem if u show him that u r scrambling or that u r afraid face to face cos thius boss has got experience and he knw that its ur first time u will work but what he need you to show him is your desire that you want that work, you desire that you want to work whatever the kinfd of the work was, because at the first conversation (and of corse he knw what he is doing and what he will get by his question from your answer), he will tell you words that makes you afraid from that job, he will tell you that its great risponsability and its too hard from ...and so on, he will ask you these question in purpose cos he want to knw if u r strong, but never show him that u r afraid from the job, say aways to him "yes i will do, yes i will acheive that job, yes..,yes.. yes,," so that, he will knw that u have got the desire for the work and this all what all Bosses need in the worker.
dont afraid, cos he knw that its your first work life, so no problem if you made mistakes in that job.
hubbi, wallahi, when i started working with the big recently society here in algerai i was so afraid, cos i asked my self "waaaaaaw, how can be interprete in the most biggest society in algeria!!! , but after that huhuhuhuhuh hahahahahahaha , i became the number one who the chinies need in the work, cos i descovred that i can face any problem,,, u knw y!!! COS I GET RID OG THE SHY, I LED DOWN THE SHY AND STARTED THINK AS A MAN OF EXPERIENCE....
other thing hubbi,,,, think y ur brother give you his work to do it!!??
i will give you the answer tomorrow.

Together again, again n again until death

i didnt meant to fight with you, we were just descusion.
if you knw what i mean by that descusion u will tell me that u r sorry for what u said to me.
i will explain y:
1- if we descuss friends problem and know about their problems,,,, we will learn more how to run this love betwen us,
if we reash the point of agreement that all secrets die between us, we will be good lovers and strong lovers that never seperate.
learning about others problems, mean learn from the mistakes of the other, and later u will never fall in such mistakes coz u already learned about it.
whatever this descusion hurted u cos i knw that they r ur friends but u have to resist, to fight that hurt, so that later u will be strong when u see that ur friends is doing sth bad.

2-if you keep defending and suporting ur friends infront of my question, u will never gain my love, u will make me feel that u still dont trust me, and so that may be later, i will start for someone else who i can make him trust me.
this is true hubbi wallahi, what am saying is true.

3-the successful parents are those who share communication, a communication that has got secrets.... how that?!
i will explain:
when we were talking in ym u said to me (dont send them any message)...... hope that u will not say this to ur future husband.
its very dangerous, he will think that u have some of secrets with them and u r hiding sth from him and u r suporting ur friends and u forget that he is ur husband.

no matter if we made mistakes but, i hope u will learn more with me and u let me finish my idea then djuge.
i still love u ya bint motalib
ya, sure.. i will explain anything what u want hubbi. cos i'm really love u. nothing special for them, we are same school in 9 years, but never have any special relation, wallahi i said, even between syazana n syahidah. here, the two boys get a course islamic study, but me, syazana n syahidah different course. the two boys will finish their study this sem, its mean they r in last sem cos their course just for 3 years. but, this sem, we never find each other cos they are so busy with their thesis. dont worry hubbi, they just our friends and insyaAllah if u here, when they invite me to their wedding day, i will go with u also, and u will know them more. kind of them to me, syazana and syahidah they care if we have anypblm here if we tell them cos u know, woman need man help for sth else we cant do it. thanks hubbi, i know u care with who i'm friends, who have relation with me, ask me if u want to know anything, but dont ask me if u judge before ask cos its danger to our relation. if we r not strong, we will separate. but alhamdulillah, until now, we still need each other. ok, i want to study now, please doa' to me can answer any my lecturer question tmorow. What desire ravages my heart,Shall I tell u tonight?Not gold, not diamonds,For they are no use to me, Not mansions, not cars, For they are no more than show-pieces,Give me a heart if u will, take my heart if u will, Take, take all I have, Have a care. I will desert u, Woe betide, if to u i'm lie, I will desert u, But the braves will carry their brides away. My beloved, everyone say to u I lost my heart. But let me tell u, u’ve won my heart, The sight of your love locks flying in the air. Hubbi will u set the heart of maidens on fire?. The sight of such beauties. Lots of love to u...

Jumaat, 25 Februari 2011

Compairative Religion

ok, about the subject that u told me about is extreamly dangerous, y?.
you or me or anyone else, i mean students are not perfect enought to put the right comparison, i said the right coparison.
so, the better way to study this is to let this things for IMAM, because he get more knowledge about that. but:
what i hear from Imam is:
its true that Bible is the words of Allah but it changed through the time, christian chage it, y?
because at that time there was more interests, the leader started to chaged the bible as their needs, i mean:
leaders or kings need sth from his people, people at that time were not wise, not educated, people at that time were strongly beleive in what the religions man said to them, if the religion man said to them that this is haram sothey do beleive without asking y.
so what happend?, at that time, kings started to force the religion men to autorise sth haram to be halal, so:
the kings did that because they have interest in that sth, they need that sth of halal to became haram or they will loose.
example, at that time, the clergy man (church man) was force by the kings to create what we call (forgiveness tickets), they ask people to buy these tickets because if they dont buy it, Allah will not forgive them, and since people at that time were still stupid, they buy it, and after this the kings gain lot of money.
so, whats happened then??!!!
some of the strong clergy men and the leaders of the church were so strong and not afraid from the kings, whats happen?, they started said to people that what the kings were doing is fals, i mean not true. kings started to punished the men of church and then burn all the bibles inorder not to read it by people.
at that time, only little people were keeping the bible but with secret coz if the kings hear about them he will kill them, so what happen after that? ;
those little people started to leave there places and there countries, because other persons know about there secrets that they still keep the original bible and they will tell the kings, so
those people who were holding the original bible travel to far places but they found that other people with defferent languages want to know about the bible, so they translated but since the translation was so bad,,,, words change and it lost its meaning.
so this is the history and not all the history of how the bible change, i dont want to give u all the history cos i dont want u to be confuse with ur true religion.
so as conclution:
now in our days Imam call the bible (bible of lot of books), we find bible1 / bible 2/ bible 3/ bible 4...and so one, and no one know how is the true bible but;
Quran is one book, it didnt change through time, but what chage is only Writens hand قراءات
this arabic word that i gave it to you, if you succeed to translate to maly u will understand the top comparative between quran and bible.
quran has got WRITENS HAND ( قراءات)
but bible has got i dont what to say!
example: in quran we find SOURAT AL HAMDO, this verses did change through the time , but what chaged in it is only قراءات
but, bible if u read the first page of it, u will find PAROLE, in Bible2 u will find defferent PAROLE in the same first page and so on.
i hope u understand this.

Khamis, 24 Februari 2011

YA ALLAH YA ALLAH YA ALLAH. make the distiny aishah is wife for sidahmed

time now is 23:45 pm
i think my work is making me apart from you, but i never surrender to find time for you. even i dont find time but u r always in my heart dear.
dearling, ur love in a suspence, i cant found it here in my country, ur love is full of lot surprise and very beautiful surprise.
last time i fought with u and i took a strong decision to leave u forever but at that moment, i received a wanderful gift i never receive it in my life,,, ur own rings, ya Allah, how that happens! i never felt that love befor, but only with you.
hubbi, i will tell other thing u dont know about it. i will tell it to you cos u love me,coz every moment with you i hope it never end.

the letter u send me with the rings i didnt compleat to read it all, cos i fud-up with the first words of that letter. words from hoping heart writen in happy day,,, the day you meet me in.
i didnt read all that letter cos i dont want that wanderful moment to end, i dont want thats words to fall out from my eyes. only what i want is open that letter and read only 1 word in each day, and be happy with that 1 word in one weak.
in that day when i received that letter, it was ur smel in it, perfume that if we combain all the flowers of the world we will not going to make it the same.
i cried lot cos that day i fought with you, i felt that i lost sth sacred.
you are SACRED hayati, this is the truth.
so you should know that this love we share we never made to die
here are my words:
i will never say goodbye, coz i dont wanna see you cry, i swear that my love will remain and be with you forever.
i will never traet you bad, cos i never want to see u sad, i swear share the joy and the pain and everything to makes us together.
love you hayati. you are my heart. you are my day and night.

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Luq-luq Qalbi

Butterfly, fly away so high

hubbi, now its 22:23pm,am stading infront of my lotop looking at ur pictures.i still see the first day when i chated with u, u said salam and i answered by salam. at first, i tought that u algerian, i ask my self my i have no chance. but i waited for u in the night, u were offline,but u were not. i waited for long time but then, i tried to contact u by message, suddenly u answered me, then while am written u back, u send me a message u told me that, y i answer u late. i answered u back that am still writen for u, but u told me that am chatting with the other girls. wallahi hubbi, its my first time i felt that we will be lovers, i dont know how but i felt u, specialy when u were offline and still contacting me by messages.
hubbi, u have got the most greatest place in my heart, i cant live without you.ya its true that i cant live without water or air, but you, you are sido, you are myself, if you sick i will sick, if u die i will die.
hubbi, every time i get hurt when i stay alone, cos when i remember ur face, i cry for every bad word even i didnt mean it i said it to you.i cry because u always patient with me but me never, i cry cos i think am still not good for may be i showt on u in ym and fight with u but, later i feel so sorry inside my heart cos u r nott the girl that deserve to be fought.u r the flower that all bees wnt it, u r the air that all the sinckers want to breath, u r the moon that light the road of the lost, so take my hand to give all of this to me and forget the whole world. only u and me, no more pain, no more crys, no more breaks. hug u and love you forever...... Allah witness what ma saying is true no lies.
Ya Allah, if you have record, He is mine, created for myself, Arrange with my heart, Give happiness. Ya Allah, I ask What have you destined, I hope he is the best for me, Because you know all my heart, Keep me from your hate. My Lord, the Most Gracious,Give all the power of hope, The fatigue did not build yourself alive, Instilled in the soul of my sincere thanks. I surrender to You, Grant me Couples who believe, Could accompany me, So me and him, To navigate ships, To the mouth of the love that you blessed. My Lord, the Most Compassionate, You just keeping myself, Listen to this thing servant grievances, Do not leave me alone. Hopefully I can be happy. Even without him. Replace the lost, Vegetation that has been broken, I want to be happy, In the world and the hereafter
In all things Allah asked me. Seasonal passed.Today, more beautiful colour. Sincere love of the desired, Meet happy. Prejudice has ended, Far more skeptical hearts opt, The word promise planted, Knot tying pure. My only hope is that someone in love, I miss only the one that you. I ask you only to the Divine, We hope that good relations are blessed. I take shelter under a thick tree, I rely on the strongest branch, I rely only on your Lover, This led to a self-defined. Pleased with everything I surrender, To find peace with you with you search, Decorated in the seed of love that is embedded, Rain watered with love and affection. Amplified by a strong faith
Heaven By your side forever. Allah, I need him...
time now 23:43 pm.u r sleeping now, am coming to ur deams to talk to you.
i feel crambling cos its too col but suddenly sth strang come to me and makes me warm, its ur heart that am feeling, its ur soul that makes me always strong , its ur eyes that always makes feel happy, its ur smile thats always makes me feel long wake up.
hubbi, i can leave u and i will never do it coz i love you, coz i want to build family with u, no matter if u think that u r not good for me coz every has got mistakes. me i have mistakes but i always try to be the best for you.
hubbi, if u think that am rich so am not, am simple person looking for simple girl to buil familly with happy children. am not rich but am too rich to offer u my heart.
hubbi, my eyes are geting too weak, i cant type anymore but i always prefer to write my feeling for u in the end of my day, and i always prefer it longer message cos i want u to knw that i have fb only for u, only to keep contact with u. but this fb and skyp or ym donsnt keep contact with u,,,,,,, its Allah who is keeping ower contact.
hubbi, i want to touchh ur hand, geting closer and huging eachother,,,, coz i want u to feel my tears for u, only for u.
i love u hayati, i love u so much, u r my soul and my life.
have nice dreams sweet heart.... seeu tomorow.....
i'm setting my fb only for u, cos i need u, and i want u always with me, i'm setting it only u can see my wall cos i just want to connection with u. i need to deactive this fb, but i cant do it cos u. i know, we must walk this love in difficult situation, may be have problem from family, from friends, from the other persons beside us and so on. but we must strong to be together until we get what we want and we hope in this love. thanks cos understand me, caring about me, and loving me..i can feel your love even u are not near from me..u are so far, far and far, but i pray to Allah, to make easy for all matter to be beside u, to be your wife, to be someone always sharing anything with u...i feel so calm with u...

Show u&me the way

i still remember that u answered me with arabic. i still remember that i was insisting on you to see you cos i was afraid that u r algerian girl, i still remember that i insisted to set ur cam, but u were too shay. when you set ur cam and started seeing u,,, how beautiful you are , like the sacred rose, like the lost rose, like the legend rose that the seaker is looking for lon time. your eyes were so ya Allah, like they are saying somthing, something not for all but only for me, like i becam alive,its like am born again, i was looking for the way to love you cos we share different culture but later i found that we are not different coz our soul as its fly in the sky to hug eachother when we sleep, we couldnt hug eachother cos we wre so shay but our soul did it in the night. i love you, i loved you so much cos i felt it in our fist fight when u said to me (nice to meet u), i runed to find credit to tell u that it was miss understand, cos i felt it, i hurted in my heart when u left me away, that moment, i felt and i was sure that i really love u, ya Allah how could this happen.then eachtime i find new add in your list i feel jelious but lways kep it in my heart cos u know!!! u felt me, u were feeling me, eachtime i ee u on the cam i feel all the hurts are over, i really felt that i need you, my heart need u, my soul need u and you were beside me in everytime. I TOLD YOU ALL THE SECRECT BUT I REFUSE TO TELL YOU A ONE, ITS SECRET OF MY WEAKNESS INFRONT OF YOU, ITS SECRET THAT I DNT WANT YOU TO DESCOVERE IT. MAY BE YOU CAN SEE IT BUT I TRY TO KEEP IT EVERYTIME. hubbi, today i waited for u lot, i hurted cos u didnt answered me, but thanks Allah u send me a message. hubbi "i was trying to love u, i became loving you, now am trying to find the way to keep you out of my mind, cos now you are in my heart like a words writen on the stone i cant delete you. ,, ,,, i love you hayati.
Subhanallah hubbi, how much u love me until u still remember every moments was happen to us. but i never see a man can remember that. u make me confident u love me so much. y i can get a man like u here, hubbi. Do u know, after u here with me, all my life was change, i care for everythings i do, cos i know what u like n dislike. i care cos i always try to be a good girl to u. i lie u cos i'm afraid u will angry n we will fight, but u will know everything about me by your self till i answer the true. Nothing secret between u n me cos i cant do anything secret to u. i'm so sorry if i'm still not the good for u...Hubbi, may be u forgot i was to tell u i will too busy with my study after that holiday. i have more class, more paper work to do. i try to plan my time until i get tired with this life now. but u make me strange, even i'm not meet u in a day, i know u always with me cos your love can catch my heart. i know u waiting me, but i try to sent u msg yesterday here, its too slow tnet.....Hubbi, love u so much cos u only can make me believe about love, no one can do that. i see your eyes, i feel thats with tears, i'm so sorry hubbi, i always make u hurt, i know u r a kind boy...i'm so sorry, may Allah always with u... Love U SO Much...
hubbi, wallahi i miss u, i miss your eyes, i miss everything in you, i want to hold u in real.
dear Hayati, i think i can not wait until i collect money to come cos i cried lot about u, so an idea comes into my mind.
i will cry my best to submit in the malayzian university, i dont care if i will get hungry there or swift without water or homeless,, only waht i want is to be beside you. please help me with your ideas.
waiting for u hayati.
Hubbi, wallahi i miss u too. always miss u...i miss u everytime, everywhere, with anyone in my life now... i dont want lose u, cos everything i do, u know what the best for me, i know u get jelouse n get angry for some matter, but u must understand my life before u come here... i know u can understand, i will do untill u understand me, my culture, my family, my friends n whole my life...


i love you hayati, i swear god that only u in my life, then am too sorry for making u hurt,i knw that u r hurting, right now like u feel that u could never love again, from the first day when i saw ur smiling face, i could feel that we could be together forever, i will deserve my honey for u just once, give me a chance and i will proove that i love u and will love u forever.i will never break ur heart, i will never make u cry, i would rather die than live without u. right now am writing this msg for u while u r sleeping now,,, my soul came to you to suroud ur bed by peace and love...have nice dreams sweat heart. love you
hubbi, i dont care now about what happe since i get a proove from u that u love me, a ring that u love you send it to me, enless it deosnt feat my size but am wearing it, i will never take it off.
dear, give me a chance to proove that it was wrong,
i will never break your heart, i will never make you cry, i would rather die than live without am convinced that only me in ur heart. i will never let this love go away, i will love you more tan that, i will say the words then take it back, i will give lonelyness a every breath i take you into me and my heart beat again. i love you hayati.
hubi, i waited for you longe time until i get tired, am going home now, by the way,,, hubbi subhana allah, i used to put ring befor but this ring (ur ring) not that one you bought it,,, wallahi i feel like fresh wind sourrouding my finger, i felt better when i put it on, also, i feel your smell in it, it like you put it on in my finger by ur hands alive. i can feel ur fingers, i can feel your fingers acrossing my finger,,, its like hand to hand ya Allah makes it real. hubbi, it was so amaing whn i read your letter, we share the same hand shape writing letters wallahi, your arabic writen is the same with me ya Allah. insya'allah only u in my life.i love you and i wil protect you.

Fighting 13/12/2010

Every day we face many challenges in this regard. We try to stay positive minded and rational for us to solve a problem together. please do not go too emotional. that even if you really love me. how we want to stay longer if we can not face the problems that arise. Give me time to explain in my friends what you really intent to make friends with them. I believe that one day all will be missed .. Dont always badmood with me, I always think positive in any situation. Because I love you, I prefer the crew of my friends. whatever happens I will always love you. If you dont want me anymore, I will focus my life on my worship to Allah and my studies only. hopefully I will die quickly if I cant marry you. i dont want the other man anymore...I'm promise it to myself..
People at malayzia have got conflict in gender relations, so; if any boy tell to other girl "hey sister" or name her "sister" ...she will think that he is playboy.for me, is any girl in the word not only in malayzia if u tell a girl that u r my sister, it mans that u r not able to do sex niether nor she are able to make love(sex). so, for me i have check many pictures of u,,, not only u but other malayzian r taking pictures together, i mean boys and girls in defferent places... beach, camp, university and hustel...ext, and u told me that (we r only as sublings no more), so sublings it means that u already calling each-other " hey sister or hey brother" , so starting for this point... how can u accept to take picture with playboy??, how can the malayzian boys accept that he is playboy and h already know that "sister" for any malayzian girl means that he is playboy?! , then i guess that never malayzian boys accept to be playboy and if any malayzian girl accept his friendship it means that she find on him that he is sweetble boy for doing sex. it means that no for sublings, no to be sublings, if we are here,,, we are here only for sex. accepting friedship for malayzian it means they will do sex or may be already did it toguether and thats y they take pictures together, cos no boy will accept friendship as playboy an no girl will accept friendship as sister bu only friendship for sex. i think that we are mulims...a real mulims that depect our profect Mohammad, whats happen to this world ya Illahi, i think that only when i became deth will understand this world, ALLAHOMA IN A'aODO BIKA MIN FITNAT AL MAHYA WA AL MAMAT, WA A'oDO BIKA MIN FITNAT AL MASIH AL DAJAL.