Islamic Widget

Islamic Widget

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Show u&me the way

i still remember that u answered me with arabic. i still remember that i was insisting on you to see you cos i was afraid that u r algerian girl, i still remember that i insisted to set ur cam, but u were too shay. when you set ur cam and started seeing u,,, how beautiful you are , like the sacred rose, like the lost rose, like the legend rose that the seaker is looking for lon time. your eyes were so ya Allah, like they are saying somthing, something not for all but only for me, like i becam alive,its like am born again, i was looking for the way to love you cos we share different culture but later i found that we are not different coz our soul as its fly in the sky to hug eachother when we sleep, we couldnt hug eachother cos we wre so shay but our soul did it in the night. i love you, i loved you so much cos i felt it in our fist fight when u said to me (nice to meet u), i runed to find credit to tell u that it was miss understand, cos i felt it, i hurted in my heart when u left me away, that moment, i felt and i was sure that i really love u, ya Allah how could this happen.then eachtime i find new add in your list i feel jelious but lways kep it in my heart cos u know!!! u felt me, u were feeling me, eachtime i ee u on the cam i feel all the hurts are over, i really felt that i need you, my heart need u, my soul need u and you were beside me in everytime. I TOLD YOU ALL THE SECRECT BUT I REFUSE TO TELL YOU A ONE, ITS SECRET OF MY WEAKNESS INFRONT OF YOU, ITS SECRET THAT I DNT WANT YOU TO DESCOVERE IT. MAY BE YOU CAN SEE IT BUT I TRY TO KEEP IT EVERYTIME. hubbi, today i waited for u lot, i hurted cos u didnt answered me, but thanks Allah u send me a message. hubbi "i was trying to love u, i became loving you, now am trying to find the way to keep you out of my mind, cos now you are in my heart like a words writen on the stone i cant delete you. ,, ,,, i love you hayati.
Subhanallah hubbi, how much u love me until u still remember every moments was happen to us. but i never see a man can remember that. u make me confident u love me so much. y i can get a man like u here, hubbi. Do u know, after u here with me, all my life was change, i care for everythings i do, cos i know what u like n dislike. i care cos i always try to be a good girl to u. i lie u cos i'm afraid u will angry n we will fight, but u will know everything about me by your self till i answer the true. Nothing secret between u n me cos i cant do anything secret to u. i'm so sorry if i'm still not the good for u...Hubbi, may be u forgot i was to tell u i will too busy with my study after that holiday. i have more class, more paper work to do. i try to plan my time until i get tired with this life now. but u make me strange, even i'm not meet u in a day, i know u always with me cos your love can catch my heart. i know u waiting me, but i try to sent u msg yesterday here, its too slow tnet.....Hubbi, love u so much cos u only can make me believe about love, no one can do that. i see your eyes, i feel thats with tears, i'm so sorry hubbi, i always make u hurt, i know u r a kind boy...i'm so sorry, may Allah always with u... Love U SO Much...
hubbi, wallahi i miss u, i miss your eyes, i miss everything in you, i want to hold u in real.
dear Hayati, i think i can not wait until i collect money to come cos i cried lot about u, so an idea comes into my mind.
i will cry my best to submit in the malayzian university, i dont care if i will get hungry there or swift without water or homeless,, only waht i want is to be beside you. please help me with your ideas.
waiting for u hayati.
Hubbi, wallahi i miss u too. always miss u...i miss u everytime, everywhere, with anyone in my life now... i dont want lose u, cos everything i do, u know what the best for me, i know u get jelouse n get angry for some matter, but u must understand my life before u come here... i know u can understand, i will do untill u understand me, my culture, my family, my friends n whole my life...

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