ok, about the subject that u told me about is extreamly dangerous, y?.
you or me or anyone else, i mean students are not perfect enought to put the right comparison, i said the right coparison.
so, the better way to study this is to let this things for IMAM, because he get more knowledge about that. but:
what i hear from Imam is:
its true that Bible is the words of Allah but it changed through the time, christian chage it, y?
because at that time there was more interests, the leader started to chaged the bible as their needs, i mean:
leaders or kings need sth from his people, people at that time were not wise, not educated, people at that time were strongly beleive in what the religions man said to them, if the religion man said to them that this is haram sothey do beleive without asking y.
so what happend?, at that time, kings started to force the religion men to autorise sth haram to be halal, so:
the kings did that because they have interest in that sth, they need that sth of halal to became haram or they will loose.
example, at that time, the clergy man (church man) was force by the kings to create what we call (forgiveness tickets), they ask people to buy these tickets because if they dont buy it, Allah will not forgive them, and since people at that time were still stupid, they buy it, and after this the kings gain lot of money.
so, whats happened then??!!!
some of the strong clergy men and the leaders of the church were so strong and not afraid from the kings, whats happen?, they started said to people that what the kings were doing is fals, i mean not true. kings started to punished the men of church and then burn all the bibles inorder not to read it by people.
at that time, only little people were keeping the bible but with secret coz if the kings hear about them he will kill them, so what happen after that? ;
those little people started to leave there places and there countries, because other persons know about there secrets that they still keep the original bible and they will tell the kings, so
those people who were holding the original bible travel to far places but they found that other people with defferent languages want to know about the bible, so they translated but since the translation was so bad,,,, words change and it lost its meaning.
so this is the history and not all the history of how the bible change, i dont want to give u all the history cos i dont want u to be confuse with ur true religion.
so as conclution:
now in our days Imam call the bible (bible of lot of books), we find bible1 / bible 2/ bible 3/ bible 4...and so one, and no one know how is the true bible but;
Quran is one book, it didnt change through time, but what chage is only Writens hand قراءات
this arabic word that i gave it to you, if you succeed to translate to maly u will understand the top comparative between quran and bible.
quran has got WRITENS HAND ( قراءات)
but bible has got i dont what to say!
example: in quran we find SOURAT AL HAMDO, this verses did change through the time , but what chaged in it is only قراءات
but, bible if u read the first page of it, u will find PAROLE, in Bible2 u will find defferent PAROLE in the same first page and so on.
i hope u understand this.
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